Encounter - Education - Expertise

Ein Praktikum bei der Atlantischen Akademie

An Internship with the Atlantic Academy

Since the founding of the Academy in 1996, more than eighty students have successfully completed an internship with us and learned what transatlantic education is and how it is organized.

Interning at the Academy offers an interesting variety of tasks; ranging from physical and mental work, to scientific research and seminar planning. An internship with us offers numerous opportunities to build up your network, to get to know scholars in the political and cultural  fields, and to expand your horizons. Previous knowledge about the US is helpful, but not necessary. However, you can expect to learn a lot about the US and international relations in a position at the academy.

We're looking for individuals who are great team players, flexible, creative, and responsible. We're especially interested in interns who enjoy and use social media and who are ready to create content for our various channels. That's why we are always excited for applications from creative programs, be it design, communication, media or others. 

An internship at the Atlantic Academy usually entails a work week of 39 hours. However, by arrangement, a part-time internship is also possible. The duration of the internship should be at minimum six weeks, so that participants can gain a comprehensive insight into our work. We also pay trainees who are studying 75.00 Euros per week.

NOTE: Due to the regulations on the minimum wage for trainees applicable since 1 January 2015, the Atlantic Academy may offer internships in the form of:

  • Compulsory internships within the framework of school, training or study at most beyond the duration specified in the study regulations
  • Voluntary internships accompanying study or training up to three months (ONLY if there has not previously been an internship with the Atlantic Academy)
  • Voluntary internships for up to three months, which serve as a career guide
  • Entry qualifications according to § 54 a of the Third Social Code or
  • Anyone under 18 years without a professional qualification.

If you are interested in interning with us, please send us your application including details of your studies, interests/hobbies, abilities and experience as well as your desired timeframe for the internship; a CV should also be included. You can send your application documents via e-mail or mail to the Director of the Atlantic Academy, Dr. Sirakov:

Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.
Lauterstr. 2
67657 Kaiserslautern
Tel. 0631-36610-0
Fax 0631-36610-15
Email: info(at)atlantische-akademie.de 

Here you can find some advice and helpful suggestions for your application and the supporting documents. The Abiturzeugnis is not required, however, the curriculum vitae is an integral part of your application. (Information from the University of Münster).

WELCOME TO K-TOWN! Internship Report March – July 2017

by Theresa Richter

I am studying North American Studies at the John F. Kennedy-Institute in Berlin, and during my semester abroad, I came across the internship position at the Atlantic Academy. I was right away enthusiastic about their mission, the cooperation with the Americans in the Kaiserslautern Military Community and the outreach of the events. Especially since Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States, there is a strong interest among Germans in the future of American politics and its impact internationally, due to which we were able to attract a broad range of participants, among them many students, to our events.

All employees at the Atlantic Academy are open-minded, friendly and respectful and involve interns immediately in their work. Each week’s agenda is discussed in a one to two-hour team meeting, but the team is open to any remaining questions anytime. On my first day, I was introduced to the main tasks of the Academy, one of which is the content of our Facebook page. I researched articles and information for posts, so for example in March concerning “Women’s History Month”, during which I was able to introduce successful American women and female leaders in a few sentences. In the general selection of topics, the interns have a lot of freedom. We post political news articles in English and German, information on new movies (Movie Monday) and recipes (Saturday Serving) or recommend travel destinations in Germany and the US (Travel Thursday). Apart from online research, I assisted Oliver with the organization and realization of events, their advertising and the prepared the event location. With only a few exceptions, I attended every event, saw for guests and took photos for our website and Facebook. In addition, my tasks included translating texts and articles, proofreading of our flyers and formulating press releases.

Apart from drafting Facebook posts, press releases articles on our evens, I was actively involved in the process of planning new projects. For example, I researched event topics for 2018 considering upcoming anniversaries and holidays, suggested research questions and suitable speakers. I was able to attend meetings with cooperation partners, business lunches and any event, where I could actively participate. My suggestions, which I had concerning the designs of our flyers, our paper block or formulations were always welcome and appreciated.

I highly recommend this internship to any student with passion for German-American relations and educational work, who are interested in social and political topics. In the small team, you can get an encompassing impression of the work fields of an Americanist and are able to undertake various tasks.

Report about my internship at the Atlantic Academy from November 2014 to January 2015

from Annika Köhne

As part of my B.A. studies at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies, I was looking for a varied and informative internship, which would give me a deeper insight into the possible work areas of an "Americanist". As the Atlantic Academy was already known to me through its many events and seminars, I applied for a multi-month internship. The academy was highly recommended to me by fellow students who had already completed an internship there.

With the Atlantic Academy, I had found a place that offered me exactly what I was looking for and I became part of a very open and friendly team that includes interns in every aspect of their work. Therefore, during my time in Kaiserslautern, I received an exciting and varied insight into all tasks of the Atlantic Academy and supported the team not only in the area of administrative duties, but I also actively participated in the conception, organization and realization of numerous events, seminars and workshops. I have been able to apply my knowledge as well as my methodological skills at the Academy to support events not only through research, but also to actively shape student workshops through the preparation of work materials and presentations. In addition, I learned a lot about the subject and discovered many of the unknown educational possibilities in the area of American studies and transatlantic relations, which will be very helpful for my future studies. At events, I also made valuable contacts, which I will greatly benefit from as soon as I finish my studies.

An internship at the Atlantic Academy offers the opportunity to contribute to an informative and balanced exchange of information and opinions on cultural differences. Because of my very positive experience, I can recommend an internship here to anyone who has a great interest in transatlantic relations and the United States and is committed to political education. Political education is a very interesting field of work, and with regards to the United States, it is an exciting project, especially in the Kaiserslautern and surrounding areas. As public opinion on transatlantic relations is ambivalent especially due to the strong presence of the Americans in the region. Political knowledge of the United States and German-American relations is an advantage in order to be able to actively participate in all areas and to contribute successfully to the work of the Academy.

Digitaler Praktikumsbericht von Paulina Schlosser, 4. März bis 12. April 2024

Schülerpraktikum an der Akademie! Praktikumsbericht 07. August bis 18. August 2023

von Jülide Ece Önder

In meinen Sommerferien hatte ich die Gelegenheit, ein zweiwöchiges Praktikum bei der Atlantischen Akademie in Kaiserslautern zu absolvieren. Dieses Praktikum wurde von mir freiwillig durchgeführt, um einen Einblick in die transatlantischen Beziehungen zu erhalten – ein Thema, das mich aufgrund meines Interesses an den Vereinigten Staaten und allgemein an Politik besonders fasziniert. Mein Ziel ist es, in Zukunft im Bereich Politik und Gesellschaft zu studieren, weshalb ich diese Gelegenheit als perfekte Chance sah, meinen Horizont zu erweitern und realitätsnahe Erfahrungen zu sammeln.

Die Idee für dieses Praktikum entstand in meinem Sozialkunde Leistungskurs am Burggymnasium Kaiserslautern, als ich von der Atlantischen Akademie durch deren Vortrag zu den Midterms 22 erfuhr. Nach meiner Bewerbung bekam ich zeitnah eine Zusage, um tiefere Einblicke in die Arbeit der Atlantische Akademie zu sammeln.

Mein 1. Praktikumstag begann mit einem herzlichen Empfang von dem Team der Atlantischen Akademie. Anschließend fand ein Teammeeting statt, in dem die anstehenden Aufgaben der Woche besprochen und ein Rückblick auf die vergangene Woche gegeben wurde. Dieses half mir, den Überblick über die laufenden Projekte zu bekommen und mich anschließend aktiv einzubringen.

Ich wurde sofort in die Arbeitsprozesse integriert und erhielt Aufgaben, um das Team zu unterstützen. Dazu gehörten bsw. das Korrekturlesen von Texten und Broschüren, aber auch die aktive Beratung bei der Gestaltung eines Kinoplakats für die Kinoreihe “America on screen”. Ich finde es toll wie eingebunden man sich als Praktikant an der Atlantischen Akademie fühlt – es geht weit über das Klischee des "Kopieren und Kaffeekochens" hinaus. Besonders schätzte ich die Möglichkeit, an wichtigen Projekten mitarbeiten zu können. Ich beriet bei Plakaten und Broschüren für die kommende Kinoreihe und war eigenverantwortlich in der Stadt und auch bspw.. der RPTU unterwegs, um die Plakate aufzuhängen und Broschüren auszulegen. Die Chance, mit interessanten Persönlichkeiten wie dem amerikanischen Botschafter aus Luxemburg in Kontakt zu treten, war ein weiteres Highlight während meines Praktikums.

Ein Höhepunkt meiner Tätigkeiten war die Gestaltung von Reels für Instagram. Hier hatte ich die Freiheit, kreativ zu sein und meine eigenen Visionen passend zu gegebenen Anlässen umzusetzen. Diese Reels wurden/werden auf dem offiziellen Instagram der Atlantischen Akademie gepostet, wie zum Beispiel für den neuesten Merchandise. Die Anerkennung meiner Arbeit seitens des Teams steigerte mein Engagement und meine Freude an den Aufgaben.

Die freundliche und unterstützende Atmosphäre innerhalb der Atlantischen Akademie motivierte mich jeden Tag gut gelaunt zu meinem Praktikumsplatz zu kommen. Ich fühlte mich immer wohl und geschätzt, was dazu beitrug, dass die Zeit des Praktikums viel zu schnell verflog.

Zusammenfassend war mein Praktikum bei der Atlantischen Akademie eine sehr positive Erfahrung, die mir einen Einblick in die Bereiche, in denen ich in der Zukunft tätig sein möchte, verschafft hat. Die Gelegenheit, eigenverantwortlich und kreativ an relevanten Projekten zu arbeiten, hat nicht nur meine fachlichen Fähigkeiten gestärkt, sondern auch den Gedanken an ein Studium im Bereich Politik und Gesellschaft bestätigt. Nun bin ich noch entschlossener dieses anzutreten.

Ich danke auch nochmals dem Team der Atlantischen Akademie, denn ohne die Personen, von denen ich umgeben war, hätte mein Praktikum mit Sicherheit weniger Spaß gemacht. Zudem bedanke ich mich für die tolle Möglichkeit all diese Einblicke erhalten zu dürfen.