Movie Show AMERICA ON SCREEN: Ron's Gone Wrong (German version)

Identification Number:



Tuesday, 18 October 2022, 2 p.m.


Schanzstraße 12, 54470 Bernkastel-Kues


Atlantic Academy presents: AMERICA ON SCREEN



Die Rheinpfalz

This event is being held with the kind support of the Federal Foreign Office.

Target Group:

Open to kids between 8 and 14



The movie theater series AMERICA ON SCREEN includes seven events from Friday, Aug. 19 through Monday, Dec. 19, 2022, each with free admission and no reservations. Up to 4 free tickets per person for Ron's Gone Wrong can be picked up at the box office of Mosel-Kino, Schanzstraße 12, 54470 Bernkastel-Kues up to seven days prior to the event. Ticket availability is limited and subject to the current provisions of the Corona Control Ordinance of the State of Rheinland-Pfalz.


Ron's Gone Wrong

Children's computer-animated movie about friendship in the age of digitalization and social networking.

Ron's Gone Wrong; USA, UK 2021; directors: Sarah Smith, Jean-Philippe Vine, Octavio E. Rodriguez; voice actors: Jack Dylan Grazer, Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms ; 107 min; for ages 6+; German version.

Barney Pudowski is in the 7th grade at Nonsuch Middle School. No one wants to be friends with him, so he spends recess alone in the schoolyard. The fact that everyone but Barney has a little friend in the form of a robot who can make friends with other kids and their robots makes Barney even more of an outsider. The so-called B*Bots are walking social networks accompanying their young owners wherever they go, managing and sharing their posts, pictures, and chats. Barney's family is critical of this excessive use of social media and can't afford an expensive B*Bot for their child, but then one day, Barney's father comes across an unfinished robot that has fallen off a truck and is destined for decommissioning. Barney is thrilled to finally have a personal robot – until he realizes that things are going wrong with B*Bot "Ron." Trouble is sure to follow!

How can children learn to navigate curiously but safely in a world of social media and artificial intelligence? Will there really be robots like the B*Bots in the future and how will they change our world? Digitalization expert Morven Agnew answers these and other questions in an introduction to the film. (Language: German)

The movie theater series AMERICA ON SCREEN

bringt in diesem Jahr erneut die Gesellschaft, Kultur und Geschichte der USA auf die Kinoleinwand: Wir eröffnen die Reihe mit einem Kinoklassiker unter freiem Himmel, suchen den amerikanischen Traum in einer texanischen Kleinstadt und lernen die Pionier*innen der Transbewegung in San Francisco kennen. Wir fliegen eine Sondermission mit einer Gruppe Top-Gun-Auszubildenden, reisen von einem heruntergekommenen Waschsalon ins Multiversum, erkunden mit einem Schüler und seinem defekten Roboter die Welt der Sozialen Medien und radeln auf den Spuren eines amerikanischen Kriegsgefangenen einmal quer durch Deutschland. In Kooperation mit dem UNION – Studio für Filmkunst in Kaiserslautern, dem PROVINZ Programmkino in Enkenbach, dem Moselkino in Bernkastel-Kues sowie dem Broadway Filmtheater in Trier zeigen wir ausgewählte Filme begleitet von Impulsvorträgen und Q&As, zu denen wir nicht nur spannende Expertinnen und Experten, sondern auch Regisseure und Filmemacherinnen aus den USA und Deutschland begrüßen dürfen.

Special Guest:

Morven Agnew

grew up in Frankfurt in a family of programmers and studied art education with a focus on new media. For years, she has been introducing children to communication and digitization through play and leads freelance workshops on game design, robotics, and animated films. Morven wants to take away children's shyness about digital things and give them the skills to create on their own.