The Atlantic Academy presents a forum to all those who have questions related to the United States and its transatlantic relations and who seek discourse with others; Americans as well as Germans. In addition, concerts, film screenings, and lectures present an opportunity for encounters across all the different regions of Rhineland-Palatinate.
The Atlantic Academy offers lectures, seminars, and workshops for all those interested in transatlantic issues. The Academy is open to everyone looking for substantiated information from distinguished experts, including American scholars who have come to Germany following an invitation by the Atlantic Academy.
Those looking for advice—be it journalists, politicians, entrepreneurs, or students—may use the knowledge and experience of the Atlantic Academy’s staff as a resource. As part of the national American studies network, the Academy is able to establish contact with distinguished scholars in the respective fields.
Founded in 1996 by the state government of Rhineland-Palatinate, the Atlantic Academy is a state- and privately funded, non-profit, and non-partisan organization whose goal is to foster transatlantic relations by educating the public about US American politics and society.
While there is little doubt that Europe and America share many interests, the transatlantic alliance is based on the assumption that the countries and peoples on both sides of the Atlantic have more in common than just interests. The Atlantic community rests upon shared values, such as freedom, equality, and democracy. To keep this community of values alive, citizens on both sides of the Atlantic are invited to engage in a dialogue to develop a deeper understanding of each other and to reconcile their differences, if necessary. This discussion needs to be conducted critically and openly. Our events and publications create opportunities for Germans and Americans to meet and discuss the various aspects of transatlantic relations.
Learn more.