Elections 2024
Our webpage about the presidential and congressional elections in the U.S.
On November 5, 2024, about 250 million Americans will be called on to elect a president, all members of the House of Representatives and 34 of the 100 senators. Over 50 party primaries, party conventions and three presidential candidate debates are scheduled on the road to Election Day.
We are following the US elections with events, publications and interviews, which you can find on this page.
In our seminar for teachers, we tackle the U.S. elections and discuss the election system, political parties and the role of the media.
Read moreEs ist wieder soweit! Vom 29. Juli bis 2. August 2024 findet die Summer School 2024 in Lambrecht statt. Im Zentrum werden die Kongress- und…
Read moreKeine Pause im US-Wahlkampf! Wir sprechen über die aktuellen Entwicklungen in der Demokratischen Partei - was bedeutet der Rückzug von Joe Biden für…
Read moreWir sprechen über die Nummer 2 in der US-Politik - das Amt der Vize-Präsidentschaft!
Read moreIn unserem Atlantischen Forum diskutieren wir die möglichen Konsequenzen der US-Wahl auf die Außenpolitik der USA.
Read moreSocial Media has become an integral part to our political discourse: for many people, it is one of the main ways in which they interact with political…
Read moreWas kostet der Einzug ins Weiße Haus? Wir sprechen über die Wahlkampffinanzierung in den USA.
Read moreWarum hat politische Comedy einen so großen Einfluss auf die amerikanische Politik? Und wie wird Comedy in diesem Jahr als Wahlkampfstrategie und zur…
Read moreAnnika Brockschmidt erzählt packend, wie historische Entwicklungen und Machtkämpfe die Republikanische Partei geprägt und radikalisiert haben und…
Read moreArthur Landwehr stellt sein neues Buch vor und spricht passend zum Super Tuesday am 5. März sowie mit Blick auf die anstehende Präsidentschaftswahl…
Read moreThe 2024 U.S. election will significantly shape the transatlantic political environment and policy landscape. The results of this monumental election will have serious implications for the future of the United States, but also for the transatlantic relationship. Transatlantic organizations play an integral role in convening thought leaders, bringing a transatlantic perspective to U.S. and European domestic policy discussions, and influencing public discourse on both sides of the Atlantic. This will be particularly important in 2024, which is why Atlantic Academie Rheinland-Pfalz is pleased to partner with over 25 other transatlantic organizations and political foundations on the “Road to Election 2024” virtual event series.
Running from January 2024 to January 2025, the digital event series will host in-depth discussions and foster a vibrant exchange of ideas in the lead-up to the pivotal 2024 U.S. election. The aim of the series is multifold: to inform, to engage in dynamic dialogues, and to champion democratic values by presenting diverse perspectives. The initiative’s events will feature prominent researchers, policymakers, commentators, and civil society representatives, exploring diverse formats and a wide array of topics. From public polling and media impact to electoral demographics, the future of U.S. democracy, and pressing policy issues like trade and immigration, the "Road to Election" series aims to offer comprehensive insights for audiences in both the United States and Germany.
To learn more about the series and register for upcoming virtual events, please visit: www.roadtoelection.de