Movie Show AMERICA ON SCREEN: Dear Sirs (original with German subtitles)

Identification Number:



19 Dezember 2022, 8 p.m.


UNION – Studio für Filmkunst
Kerststraße 24, 67655 Kaiserslautern


Atlantic Academy presents: AMERICA ON SCREEN

In Kooperation with:

Welcome to Rheinland-Pfalz!


UNION – Studio für Filmkunst

Die Rheinpfalz

This event is being held with the kind support of the Federal Foreign Office.

Target Group:

Open to everyone interested



The movie theater series AMERICA ON SCREEN includes seven events from Friday, Aug. 19 through Monday, Dec. 19, 2022, each with free admission and no reservations. Up to two free tickets per person for Dear Sirs can be picked up at the box office of UNION – Studio für Filmkunst, Kerststraße 24, 67655 Kaiserslautern up to seven days prior to the event. Ticket availability is limited and subject to the current provisions of the Corona Control Ordinance of the State of Rheinland-Pfalz.


Dear Sirs

In cooperation with the state program „Welcome to Rheinland-Pfalz! Our neighbors from the USA“

Dear Sirs; USA 2021; director: Mark Pedri; actors: Mark Pedri, Carrie McCarthy; 93 min; no age restriction; original with German subtitles

U.S. filmmaker Mark Pedri grew up close to his grandfather Silvio as a child, spending a lot of time with him in the trailer park where he worked or on his front porch in the small town of Rock Springs, Wyoming. However, it wasn't until ten years after his grandfather's death that Mark discovered an archive of photos and letters that changed his life. While Mark knew Silvio was in World War II and a prisoner of war there, he and his grandfather had never talked about it. After discovering an incredible archive of photos, documents, and letters documenting Silvio's experiences as a prisoner of war in captivity and his subsequent march from camp to camp throughout Germany, Mark embarks on a journey, riding his bicycle across West Germany in Silvio's footsteps, to better understand the man who would become his grandfather.

Join us for a screening of the award-winning documentary film Dear Sirs followed by a live Q&A (in English) with the filmmakers, Director, Mark Pedri, and Producer, Carrie McCarthy.

The movie theater series AMERICA ON SCREEN

once again brings U.S. society, culture, and history to the big screen: we open the series with an outdoor cinema classic, search for the American dream in a small Texas town and meet the pioneers of the trans movement in San Francisco. Then, we fly a special mission with a group of Top Gun trainees, travel from a run-down laundromat into the multiverse, explore the world of social media with a student and his defective robot, and cycle across Germany in the footsteps of an American prisoner of war. In cooperation with the UNION – Studio für Filmkunst in Kaiserslautern, the PROVINZ Programmkino in Enkenbach, the Moselkino in Bernkastel-Kues, and the Broadway Filmtheater in Trier, we will show selected films accompanied by keynote speeches and Q&As, to which we will welcome not only exciting experts but also directors and filmmakers from the USA and Germany.

Special Guests:

Mark Pedri

ist ein Dokumentarfilmer und Autor aus dem Südwesten Wyomings, wo er Geschichten abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade erzählt. Mark gründete die Produktionsfirma Burning Torch Productions im Jahr 2014, die sich auf charakterstarke Geschichten aus dem Hinterland konzentriert. Seine Filme liefen auf internationalen Festivals, auf dem US-Fernsehsender PBS sowie auf Filmtouren rund um die Welt. Bevor er hauptberuflich Filme drehte, leitete Mark das Episodic Storytelling Program am Sundance Institute. Mark hat einen MFA in Producing for TV and Film von der University of Southern California und einen MA in Kommunikation und Journalismus von der University of Wyoming.

Carrie McCarthy

ist promovierte Chemikerin und Produzentin. Sie begann ihre Karriere beim Film als Beraterin für wissenschaftliche Produktionen. Während ihrer Zeit im akademischen Bereich erhielt Carrie ein Stipendium der National Science Foundation, um ihre Forschung zu finanzieren, die in mehreren wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften veröffentlicht und auf Konferenzen weltweit vorgestellt wurde. Unter dem Namen Burning Torch Productions produzieren Carrie und Mark unter anderem Dokumentarfilme und Spielfilme. Carrie ist davon überzeugt, dass die Integrität eines Projekts nur dann gewährleistet werden kann, wenn sie als Produzentin auch selbst vor Ort ist. Ihre Neugier treibt sie dazu an, spannende Geschichten mit einer einzigartigen Perspektive aufzuspüren.